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Customer Journey: How to Design Customer Purchase Paths


In today’s highly competitive business environment, understanding and designing customer journeys has become a crucial element for any company’s success. The sales process in a B2B context requires special attention and advanced strategies to effectively boost sales and build lasting relationships with clients. A company specializing in sales process optimization provides the tools and knowledge necessary for effective customer journey design. This is one of the key aspects of our work with clients at NVBSC. In this article, we will outline the essential stages and strategies of designing customer journeys that can contribute to increasing sales in B2B companies.

Definition of Customer Journey

The Customer Journey refers to the entire experience a client goes through from the moment they first encounter a brand to the point where they make a purchase. In a B2B context, this process can be more complex and lengthy compared to the B2C market. This complexity arises because purchasing decisions often require approval from multiple stakeholders and a thorough analysis of the offer.

Key Stages of Customer Journey

1. Awareness

The first stage of the customer journey is building awareness. At this phase, potential clients first learn about the company and its offerings. It is crucial to employ appropriate marketing strategies such as:

  • SEO and Content Marketing: Publishing valuable content that attracts client attention and increases the company’s visibility in search engine results.
  • Advertising: Campaigns on social media, Google Ads, and display advertising.

2. Interest

Once potential clients are aware of the brand, the next stage is interest. Here, it is essential to provide detailed information about the products and services offered by the company. Useful tools at this stage include:

  • Webinars and Product Demonstrations: Hosting online presentations that showcase how the offered solutions work.
  • Case Studies: Publishing case studies that demonstrate how the company has helped other businesses increase sales and streamline sales processes.

3. Consideration

At this stage, the client evaluates various options and compares offers. It is important for the company to stand out from the competition by:

  • Tailored Offers: Personalizing offers according to the specific needs of each client.
  • Free Trials and Consultations: Offering product trials and consultations with experts.

4. Purchase

The purchase stage is when the client decides to buy. In the B2B sales process, it is crucial to ensure that this process is as smooth and hassle-free as possible. Helpful practices include:

  • Simple Purchase Path: Streamlining formalities and documentation related to the purchase.
  • Sales Support: Professional assistance from the sales team to address any questions and resolve potential concerns.

5. Retention and Loyalty

After the transaction is completed, maintaining the client and building their loyalty is crucial. Long-term relationships are key to increasing sales and company stability. Tools that can be utilized include:

  • Loyalty Programs: Offering discounts and bonuses for regular clients.
  • Regular Contact: Maintaining regular communication with clients through newsletters, meetings, and special offers.

Customer Journey Design Strategies by NVBSC

1. Customer Analysis and Segmentation

A crucial element of designing the customer journey is thorough analysis and segmentation of clients. The company should identify different client groups based on their needs, behaviors, and preferences. Segmentation allows for better tailoring of marketing and sales strategies to specific target audiences.

This may include various criteria such as company size, industry, location, as well as purchasing behaviors and preferences. Through segmentation, the company can more effectively target marketing campaigns and better align the offer with the specific needs of each segment.

2. Mapping the Purchase Path

Mapping involves detailing all customer touchpoints with the company. This tool helps identify areas needing improvement and optimize the entire process. Mapping the journey for different customer segments can enhance understanding of their specific needs and expectations.

This process includes analyzing all customer touchpoints with the company—from initial brand contact, through interactions on the website, contact with the sales department, to post-sales service. Mapping allows for the identification of potential issues and barriers affecting customer purchase decisions and finding ways to eliminate them.

3. Personalization of Experiences

Personalization is one of the most important trends in customer journey design. Clients expect companies to offer solutions tailored to their individual needs. Companies can use collected customer data to personalize offers, communications, and the entire sales process.

This can include various aspects such as tailoring marketing content to client preferences, offering personalized product recommendations, and providing individualized attention during the sales process. Personalization helps build stronger client relationships and increase engagement.

4. Process Automation

Automation significantly streamlines the customer journey, especially in B2B sales contexts. CRM tools, marketing automation, and chatbots can assist in automating many processes such as email dispatch, follow-ups after meetings, and collecting client feedback. This allows the team to focus on more strategic tasks.

Process automation may also involve integrating various systems and tools, which facilitates better management of customer data and optimization of marketing and sales efforts. Automation helps increase the effectiveness of actions and better meet client needs.

5. Monitoring and Optimization

Designing the customer journey is an ongoing process. Regular monitoring of results and optimization based on collected data are crucial. Analyzing metrics such as conversion rates, sales cycle duration, and client satisfaction allows for continuous adjustment of strategies and actions.

Monitoring can include various metrics like website visits, conversion rates, average order value, and client feedback. Regular monitoring enables the company to quickly respond to changing client needs and optimize actions to increase sales.

Case Study: Success in Customer Journey Design

Salesforce: Optimizing Customer Journey

As a global leader in CRM, Salesforce exemplifies a company that has successfully optimized the customer journey, resulting in significant outcomes. In 2020, the company invested in advanced technologies and new approaches to personalization and automation, which greatly impacted their sales performance.

Implementation of New Strategies

Salesforce focused on several key areas to improve the customer journey. First, the company invested in the development of the Einstein Analytics platform, which uses artificial intelligence to analyze customer data and predict their needs. This enabled Salesforce to deliver personalized recommendations and offers in real time.

Marketing Campaign

The marketing campaign targeted at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) included a series of educational webinars providing valuable information on sales process optimization. Additionally, the company offered free consultations with experts, building trust and demonstrating the value of their solutions. These efforts led to a significant increase in lead generation and conversions, contributing to higher sales in this segment.

Loyalty Program

Salesforce also created a loyalty program that rewarded regular clients for their engagement and frequent purchases. This program included special discounts, exclusive offers, and access to unique content and events. This approach helped build strong, long-term relationships with clients, leading to higher retention and loyalty.

Results and Success

The implementation of new strategies led to a 24% increase in revenue over the year and a 30% rise in customer satisfaction. The automation of sales and marketing processes allowed for better management of customer data and optimization of actions, enhancing the company’s efficiency and effectiveness.

Challenges and Lessons Learned

The implementation of the new strategy came with challenges. The company faced initial skepticism from some clients regarding modern automation tools, especially in traditional industries where new technologies are often seen as complex and unnecessary. To overcome these barriers, the company invested in client education, organizing training and workshops to explain the benefits of automation.

The company also had to adjust its internal processes and organizational structures to effectively manage new tools and technologies. This required staff training and the introduction of new procedures, initially causing some operational difficulties. However, through team commitment and a systematic approach to change management, the company quickly overcame these challenges and began reaping the benefits of the implemented improvements.

Future of Customer Journey Design

Salesforce has not rested on its laurels and continues to seek new ways to enhance the customer journey. Plans include further personalization of client experiences through advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence. The company also plans to expand its loyalty programs, offering even more personalized benefits and rewards for regular clients.

Salesforce also aims to increase its presence in international markets, which involves adapting customer journey strategies to local market specifics and business cultures. The company plans to collaborate with local partners and leverage expert knowledge to better understand and meet client needs in new markets.


Designing customer journeys is a key element of any company’s strategy aimed at increasing sales and building lasting client relationships. A company specializing in sales process optimization provides the tools and knowledge necessary for effective customer journey design. Implementing strategies such as customer analysis and segmentation, mapping the purchase path, personalizing experiences, automating processes, and regular monitoring and optimization helps effectively boost sales in a B2B context. This approach not only helps in acquiring new clients but also in building their loyalty and long-term relationships, ultimately leading to business stability and growth. If you need assistance, fill out the contact form and the NVBSC team will help you!

For a company, it is crucial to continually refine its approach and adapt to changing market needs. This enables maintaining a competitive edge and effectively supporting clients in achieving their business goals. Designing customer journeys is an investment that yields measurable benefits in the form of higher client satisfaction, increased loyalty, and significant sales growth.

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